
Im having a severe headache from an unbearable train ride at 1am on a monday night...
same old me clicking away with my lil' camera again...some cool shots from my hypnotic thursday night from last week's depeche mode concert at madison square garden.
takes my breath away for a while... love the colors of their set.
i say hypnotic coz' their song keep ringing in my head.
It's a question of lust
It's a question of trust
It's a question of not letting
What we've built up
Crumble to dust
It is all of these things and more
That keep us together
Is still important for us though (we realise)
It's easy to make
The stupid mistake
Of letting go (do you know what I mean)
My weaknesses
You know each and every one (it frightens me)
But I need to drink
More than you seem to think..........

I miss my little snowman..

I think of marshmallows whenever I look at this pic.

Do dogs get cold sores too? :(
I promised from my previous post I would blog more photos of my snowy morning the other day...It really makes me smile even I cannot feel my toes.
These moments reminds me how much I love living in Brooklyn..painfully, brutally lovely.
That the most ordinary little things in life can exert such transient beauty, be it a little paw print that would be gone in the next minute or a building from last century...
I am just glad that I captured them and can share them...
To my pool of readers..enjoy my morning dope.

I woke up this morning at 6am.
And I tried to numb myself with frost bite.
So I ran to the Brooklyn promenade to watch the quiet and white sunrise..
And i brought my lil' cam along and tried to freeze this frozen moment...
damn, am i not cheesy saying that.
I made a little snowman sitting over the fence of the promenade, overlooking the manhattan skyline. My first snowman..
Can't believe I am going through this again.
I am trembling not of cold but of the rerun of such perverse situation.
And even more perverse that I am typing this here.
This hurts so much, how familiar.So familiar that I am almost comfortable with it.
This is the 3rd time I am going through this.
First when i was 16
Second 9months back
I tremble. I really do.
I am sick of betrayal.
I am sick of selfishness
Have I not made myself clear.
Have I not been nice.
I am too weak to even pretend that I am strong.
But I have grown to realize it has nothing to do with me.
I am at the mercy of the source of my emotions.
My papa is right.
I should be rid of everything
Only then that I wont lose anything
Am I not nice enough for ppl I care about...?
I am trembling not of cold but of the rerun of such perverse situation.
And even more perverse that I am typing this here.
This hurts so much, how familiar.So familiar that I am almost comfortable with it.
This is the 3rd time I am going through this.
First when i was 16
Second 9months back
I tremble. I really do.
I am sick of betrayal.
I am sick of selfishness
Have I not made myself clear.
Have I not been nice.
I am too weak to even pretend that I am strong.
But I have grown to realize it has nothing to do with me.
I am at the mercy of the source of my emotions.
My papa is right.
I should be rid of everything
Only then that I wont lose anything
Am I not nice enough for ppl I care about...?