Hello Wins

Architectural mappings arent the only thing you can figure ground.

So can my hair.


Falling Waters

And so after a crazy night of screaming and crying
I dragged my ass there- and once again remembered how beautiful craziness can be.
And so I felt alittle less crazy

And so I took some shots to remind myself that I can be less crazy.
At least till the time I can come to terms with it.

Niagara Falls.



You just robbed me of the little sanity that is left in me.
You have no idea what kind of pretence I endure in the day.
And your innocent presence necessitates the same pretence at night.

You tire me , entirely.
My pretence protected you for the past 5 years.
Of a constructed life of mine.

Your love wouldnt let me go.
Same for mine. And so will my pretence, my conscience.
I hate you as much as I care.

I ran my flesh under water for an hour plus tonight...the only place where I can be naked and not feel intruded...god damn it get the fuck out of my life.

For a while at least. Let me rest.
Winter is coming. Lets see if the frost bites harder than my suppressed mind does..



When was the last time i feel really happy?
I cant remember, and I am tired of making myself happy.
I know better reasons not to feel this way, but I cant get out of it.
I will be numbed for a long long long time. Get used to it. Just work.

October would be a busy month. Entertaining people...
I didnt travel halfway round the fucking globe to have people find me. Whatever...
Just leave me alone. The next thing you know, I would be fucking non-contactable.
I am starting to hate phones and emails.