Change Soup Without Changing the Medicine

Ok this is such a crude translation of the Chinese saying..pardon me for that.

I am saying this in reaction to this article that I have read in New York Times published on May 17 2005: The Evolution of Creationism

Its the same old quest between religion and the Darwin's theory of evolution.

The schools have difficulty coming to terms with what and HOW to include whatever they deem right in their science syllabus.

And they suggested branding it Intelligent Design.

Now you get the idea of my blog title? Why brand something that noone can be sure of. Why put definitions to ideas that will remain controversial. Yes. Theories, equations get proven right and wrong over time in our hunger for understanding our intertwined existence with everything else. But is it not silly to brand a theory with a creation myth and try to make them appear to make room for each other or reconcile?

Let religion be religion. Let blind faith be blind faith. Let creation myth be creation myth. And let the explanable be unveiled as time and knowledge allow. Let known on both disciplines with equal weightage. Whichever one wants to believe in, the educated should have the free will to choose.

So do not try to sound innocuous or diplomatic.
Because it will neither make people less confused nor more convinced.

Hmm something lighter about my day. I helped mum with making salad. For the first time in my life, she watched television in my room. I wondered why. I think she is quietly dreading my departure in a month's time. But as usual, we dont show how we feel. We will never say "I miss you". I dont know why. And i dread to see her sending me off. She would be worried sick, And it pains me to see her trying to be strong and supportive. I hope i will come back as a better person. And I will try to be less insensitive...non-chalant...whatever...'cause I am not ok...*sigh*

And right now I am trying sooooooooooooo bloody hard to learn autocad. And i keep forgetting the commands and not knowing how to do everything....*sigh*

A funny quote to match my mood now..hehehe

"I’m having amnesia and déjà vu at the same time – I think I’ve forgotten this before"


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